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Essentially Fluless Tincture

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Essentially Fluless

Protective Essence

Essentially Fluless™ balances the emotions and etheric body, helping protect subtle energies in ways that can deter and lessen illness.

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Flower Essence Combination:

(in tinctures and sprays)
  • September Strawberry – strengthens the overall system to work with the challenge of illness, encouraging a deeper grounding and connection to the etheric realms... a Spring fruit miraculously flowering in Fall in Michigan.

  • Viburnum – sets up clear energetic boundaries and protection.

  • Spiderwort – heals energy-field wounds created by sharp words or actions.

  • Motherwort – supports appropriate nurturing of the self & soothes the stress of worry that comes from over-concern for another's welfare.

  • Corncockle – restores pranic energy or life breath to ease tired, depleted, or worn-out conditions due to overwork or lack of play and rest.

  • Yellow Yarrow – a protective to help balance the fire energy of fevers.

  • Lake Superior Storm – a restorative for burnout, when depleted or over-sensitive... made as thunder roared & lightening flashed almost horizontally.

  • Trillium – a protective from physical or psychic attack.

  • Tall Wormwood – supports us in releasing patterns of repetitive illness.

  • Pokeweed – for strength, fortitude and endurance.

  • Canadian Hemlock – helps one to thrive, meeting whatever comes one's way... these trees were hundreds of miles outside of their usual range, thriving even as they clung to the sides of a canyon.


The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences

2 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Essentially Fluless Tincture

    Posted by Amy Thomas on Jan 24th 2023

    In 2020, my friend told me about Great Lakes Sacred Essences. I had never used this type of product before. But I credit antiviral Fluless for keeping me well (so far) for the duration of the pandemic. I am in my 4th pandemic winter doing taxes. I have not been ill from cold, influenza, RSV, or anything else. My husband contracted Covid-19 a few months ago, and I didn’t even come down with it too, even though we are quite friendly. I’m grateful to Merri Walters!

  • 5
    review of Essentially Fluless

    Posted by Martha Hill on Apr 3rd 2022

    Essentially Fluless is what I reach for at my first sense of an irritated throat, what usually marks for me the beginning of a cold or flu. And, like magic, I can feel a shift out of it. The cold or flu stops in its tracks and I am free to go about my life illness free. I am thankfully amazed each and every time.