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Mountain Gentian

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Mountain Gentian

(Gentiana parryi)

Common names: Parry's Mountain Gentian, Bottle Gentian, Rainer Pleated Gentian

Self-Worth, Self Focus

Indications: 'Lost in service' to others... so much time & energy spent on others' needs that one loses track of self needs & personal goals.

Growing almost at tree line, the Mountain Gentian here supports you in learning to tune into your own needs and address personal goals. A lifetime spent in service ~ constantly attuned to the needs of others ~
may be both noble and needful but unless you are able to recognize and honor self-needs your reserves will eventually become “tapped out.”The Mountain Gentian essence serves as support to those who have spent so much energy in life service to others that they have lost track of who they are and what their own personal needs and goals might be.

This lack of attention to self-requisites and desires can create an energy split as your inner child’s natural natural needs to be playful and especially if self-first edicts are constantly discounted and ignored by your responsible “others-serving” self.
Unlike the martyrdom of the Spotted Knapweed type ~who serve with an inner need to be recognized for efforts ~the Mountain Gentian type serves out of Love and lack of ego, with no desire for personal gain or recognition. Although the invisible or selfless all-serving ego is indeed the ultimate goal of the enlightened soul, it is possible to become preoccupied in the needs and demands of others while your personal life dreams and life purpose become hazy and often disappear altogether. ‘Lost in service’ is an applicable term because at its core is often unhealed personal wounds or lack of self-esteem which seeks to be anesthetized by the constant distraction of busy-ness and service.

In its extreme, the unrecognized and disparate child forces of the ego may tantrum or begin to engage in completely irresponsible or self-destructive practices, usually in secret, as your inner child craves fun rewards or recognition and is desperately trying to refocus self back to self so that your life purpose can be achieved. Night binges, over-shopping, secret affairs are all alarm signals that your inner self is struggling in its need to be recognized and listened to. Mountain Gentian flower essence works first to stimulate and then to strengthen the flow of Light from the third eye through the solar plexus. By strengthening this energetic flow your Divine inner child, or Christ-ed spirit, begins to radiate from within, nourishing and blessing “self” and helping you to address and heal core issues. As your core begins to feel whole and supported, you can better respond to outside demands with perspective and balance while preserving the energy needed for self-nurturing and self-fulfilling activities necessary to maintain your health and spiritual radiance.

Mountain Gentian is also known by the names Blue Gentian, Bottle Gentian, Puff Gentian, and Pleated Gentian.In Colorado it is generally found in grassy mountain meadows at elevations ranging from about 8,000 to 11, 000 feet.

The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences