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Lake Michigan Inlet

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Lake Michigan Inlet


Indications: Momentum... helps bring movement to emotions, life plans, or thought processes that are stuck or dissipated.

62c19e7e-06a5-4d28-99b2-3ec159fbb678.jpgLake Michigan Inlet

Your eyes are your light into this world. they allow you to move with accuracy and skill through the many mazes of our culture. But it is truly the work of the Heart to perceive. to find your path and then to flawlessly and swiftly center all your energies towards the Light is the work of a Master.

The Waters of this essence focus you and carry you gently to the Lake, a great shining, thriving body of Peace, Energy, Wisdom and Light.

 This essence can help you who find yourself distracted and unable to focus your internal energies during times of much movement. It brings clarity and calmness to your emotional body while advancing live plans or thought processes that have been stuck or swirling around in the eddy of your mind. 

It is also for those who move too fast, who leap before they look, who end up in the turbulent sea of life without the grounding and preparation necessary to sustain such movement.

The river flows consistently to the Lake, focusing and vibrant. But also it bends and winds in order to gain Perspective and Wisdom along the way.

So too, must you wind on your course in order to temper and to play and to recognize that a focused journey brings you spilling into the Beloved with Radiance and Power.

Bounded, from east to west, by the states of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, & Wisconsin,  Michigan is the only one of the five Great Lakes located entirely in the United States. The shoreline of Lake Michigan is characterized by dynamic beach structure at inlets like this one, where the banks of the stream are continually reshaped by changing wave action from Lake Michigan.

 The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences