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White Avens

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White Avens

(Geum canadense)

Common names: Wood Avens, Colewort, St. Benedict's Herb, Old Mans Whiskers, Bennet's Root

Tantrums, Self-Destructive

Indications: Restores self-care, self-trust for those prone to tantrums, threats, self-destruction.


White Avens essence helps you to compassionately focus inward and to re-establish relationship with your inner child. Recognizing the truth of your being, the essence helps you to embrace the rebellious child within with strong maternal love and patience. Once inner love and compassion are restored, the essence helps to initiate the process of healing the deep and sometimes confusing wounds that penetrate the heart and strongly influence emotional interactions in your life.

White Avens is deeply restorative to core emotions such as self-trust, self-care, and a basic belief that your body, your family, and your community is safe and will support and nurture you.

This remedy has broad indications for those who have had experiences to the contrary in this life or another, for those who when under stress (from arguments, work overload, menstrual cycles, etc.) their emotional body are prone to explode in tantrums, threats, or self-destructive impulses.

A soul in need of White Avens essence is apt to feel intensely emotional during disagreements..... abandoned by, or unable to connect with, the more rational or reasonable aspects of the personality. This creates a sense of panic at a very deep or core level where the self feels threatened and does not have the emotional wisdom or stability to see its way out. Often threats, unrealistic demands, and door slamming escalate, as the personality tries to regain power by the only means that seem available to it. Ultimately, however, these very expressions of behavior back the person into a corner where one’s worst fears are often actualized
as family members, friends or authority figures respond with anger, restrictions and punishment. This, in turn, further distances the inner child from its basic needs to be loved and accepted, proving in the acting out of these scenarios that one actually is unlovable and bad.

White Avens essence works first as a stabilizer, sending a fluid current of self-trust and inner nourishment to feed the inner child and strengthen the root chakra.

This helps the personality feel supported and clear during challenging times or situations. As the inner child feels more love and support internally, it is able to face adversity with trust, releasing patterns of desperation, panic, and a need to be in control. Then, as the emotional body relaxes, the White Avens essence helps to clear the channels to the mind and the Higher Self, allowing a freer flow of personal options and creative solutions while instilling an inner listening to the wisdom of one’s Guides and Counselors.

 White Avens flowers have five white petals, numerous stamens, and five sepals with pointed tips. 
Like the related yellow-flowered Wood Avens, White Avens is a member of the Rose Family 
with spherical seed heads.

 The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences