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(Ericameria nauseosa)

Common names; Rabbitbrush, Chamisa, Grey Rabbitbrush, Rubber Rabbitbrush, Tabs Rubber Rabbitbrush, Greene's Rabbitbrush

Focus, Plans, Projects

Indications: Helps you to integrate both the 'Big Picture' and the little details of a project. Supportive for feelings of overwhelm and worry over big projects, reports or school assignments. Assist you in designing  the  blueprints for your success.

Mesa Verde is a spiritual site with dwellings older and more spiritually significant than current archeologists believe. The Indigenous stories hold that ancient peoples were guided by spiritual leaders and “star people” who aided their advancement in Mathematics, Astronomy, simple Technology and Ceremony. Symmetry with the Earth’s energies and alignment with the Cosmos were paramount in these practices.
The Cliffs of Mesa Verde were not inhabited by a simple people who just wanted an apartment with a great view. The reasons for coming to this site and building kivas and dwellings here were to align with effective Electromagnetic Fields for their purpose of Spiritual Advancement and Harmony. Years earlier, Robin and I had camped here with the children. Walking amongst the giant boulders under the expansive Star-filled Sky in prayer, I was given a vision of the Mesa filled with the Ancestor’s energies. I was shown many undiscovered kivas, water reservoirs and an advanced water system at the northwest edge of the Mesa. Here it
feels like the highest area, and the energy is the strongest. On our return visit this time, we learned for recent forest fires that had burned out some of this area, uncovering many kivas… and to the archeologists’ surprise, ancient water systems!

The Rabbit-brush essence was made here on the Mesa bluff, where its yellow shrubby presence stands host to one of the most expansive views imaginable, as you look down on the flat, seemingly endless, low lands of Cortez and beyond. The Mesa juts up into an almost perfect pyramid, with only the valley side eroding to the plains below. The bees here work with Intent. Moving from one Rabbitbrush flower to the next,
they create a busy, integrating Energy to this breathtaking sacred Mesa slope. The essence of Rabbit-brush works to strengthen your Ability to Perceive and then to Hold Focus to the Visions and Projects of your life…offering Support when you lack the Inspiration to Create or See the Scope of the Big Picture of your creation, while helping to also meet Feelings of Overwhelm when you feel Bogged-down or Lost in Details. Offering Clarity of Thought that aids your Capacity to See and Set Long-range Goals, the essence also can help you to Concentrate and Follow Through with the various Details required to Actualize your Purpose.

The Rabbit-brush essence encourages you to Think Ahead and to Take your Ideas and Design the Blueprints necessary to Bring your Intentions to Form. This is an excellent essence to support the Architect within you to design your Dream then to Take the Steps Necessary to make the Dream a Reality by Paying Close Attention to the Details that Create a True Work of Art. The flower essence of Rabbitbrush growing high on the precipice of the Mesa offers Insight and Strategy when you feel Lost in the Big Picture, unable to Focus Down on Specifications, while at the same time Opening Out the Focus if you are  so Fixated on Detail that you have Lost Sight of what you are trying to accomplish. Helping you to Integrate the Great with the Small is the Spiritual Gift of the Mesa’s beautiful yellow flower.

Rabbit-brush is covered with yellow blossoms that arise from heads in clusters of several small flowers. Each flower is tubular, with five petals at the top of the tube and the pistil extending out beyond the tube.

The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences

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  • 5

    Posted by Daniela on Jun 28th 2021

    I just finished this bottle and I feel that it helped make me more grounded and willing to take changes, I also fee I need another round of it.