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Bear Lodge

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Bear Lodge

(Mato Tipila)

Confidence & Power

Indications: For feelings of being undermined and unrespected... helps you to align with the strength of the Spirit and regain your balance, confidence & power.

Bear Lodge ~ Devils Tower, Wyoming
This essence empowers you with a strong sense of inner and outer protection. It connects you with an ancient and everlasting source that allows you to stand tall and immutable with the knowledge that the heart has the power to rise up mountains from pebbles. 

Your confidence in your own power and wisdom has been undermined by centuries of emasculation by those who wish to keep you confused about your true identity 
in order to continue to amass their own riches and self-serving power at the expense of the Earth and all her inhabitants.

The Bear Lodge essence helps you to open a deep and vertical connection with the Earth. It aligns your will with the powerful Spirit of Life that can transcend your reality and awaken you from spiritual hibernation. It shows you that true protection is ever present and only requires you to clearly perceive your role as a powerful manifestor and allow the power of universal wisdom to rise within you, victorious and pure.

This essence will support you when you feel that your intentions are being undermined by another person or entity that is trying to strip your of your authority and power.

Oral histories and sacred narratives explain not only the creation of Bear Butte but also its significance to Native americans. As Europeans moved across the west stealing Native lands, killing off Bison (Native food source) and decimating the people of the tribes they also renamed sacred sites like this one with Names like "Devil Tower" to deflect any power sacred land might hold.

The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences