Jack Pine
(Pinus banksiana)
Common names: Scrub Pine, Grey Pine, Black Pine, Princess Pine, Banksian Pine, Hudson Bay Pine
Adaptation, Intuition
Indications: Helps one let go of a preconceived agenda, trust in intuitive guidance and gracefully make adjustments in plans accordingly.
Native Americans refer to their spiritual journey on Earth as walking the Red Road. Choosing to walk here with consciousness and care requires constant attentiveness to the changing signs around you and ability to listen to your gut feelings and willingness to make the appropriate adjustments in your emotions and actions. This pine is rooted in the sands of a dune that is constantly changing shape in response to the calls of Wind and Water. The weather conditions
along this northern shore of Lake Michigan can be dramatic and harsh. In its near 100 years of life the tree has made many adjustments and adaptations in growth that have aided its ability to stabilize and thrive.
The Jack Pine flower essence is helpful to those who must learn the qualities of adaptation and graceful survival. It helps to work with the dynamics of a changing or challenging phase, helping you to identify more clearly your aspirations
and to bring those dreams into alignment with Divine purpose. This essence is all about learning to trust the process, recognize the signs and make your adjustments in plans and actions accordingly. Jack Pine essence allows for a relaxation of tension in the third-eye and heart chakras so that the energies of your life may become more harmonious and coordinated in these centers. Your ability to interchange love with the Natural world and to sense, and possibly have contact with, Nature Spirits is enhanced over time.
One of the reasons for this is that, as your own aura becomes more radiant and luminous through the use of Jack Pine essence, a musical quality begins to emanate from the energy of your heart, harmonizing with Nature’s own symphony as though you have become one with the music and now are allowed to see and experience its players. The Jack Pine radiates this powerful healing energy as it releases copious clouds of pollen.....a blessing of love music to illuminate your direction and hold you true to this Red Road of honor.
Jack Pine is an Eastern North American pine. Its native range in Canada is east of the rocky Mountains and in the northern U.S. it grows from Minnesota to Maine their pine cones require a forest fire to open and they are one of the first trees to regrow after a fire. The Kirtland warbler, an endangered bird, depends on pure stands of young Jack Pine in a very limited area of Lower and Upper Michigan for breeding.
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copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences sacredessences.com