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Pussy Willow

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 Pussy Willow

 (Salix discolor)  

Common names; Beach Willow, Lake willow, Kittens Paws

 Unconditional love 

Indications: Return of unconditional love and nonjudgmental softness when life has been too harsh or painful.


Many springtimes ago, according to an old legend, tiny kittens had been chasing butterflies at the river's edge and fell in. The mother cat, helpless to save them, started crying. The willows at the river's edge swept their long graceful branches into the water - the kittens gripped on tightly to the branches and were rescued. Each springtime since, the story goes, willow branches sprout tiny fur-like buds where the tiny kittens once clung.

Spring has come early to the northernmost tip of Lake Michigan as the sun bathes the beaches with warmth and new energy. The silver pussy willow growing here reacts to the morning breezes with sturdy upright grace.

When my mother left the farm she grew up on in the upper peninsula of Michigan over seventy years ago she picked a bouquet of wild pussy willow from the shoreline and took them with her. She moved over twenty times in her adult life and with each move she carried the pussy willow branches with her and placed them in a vase on her bedroom dresser. For her pussy willow was symbolic of her enduring memories of of her home and parents, the place she came from.


Pussy willow flower essence allows you to come home to a place of nurturing and rest when the world or your relationships have been rough on you. It's soft features bless and comfort you who has endured the harshness of a painful or very rough experience offering a feeling of warmth and happiness to help your soul feel a sense of restoration and nourishment.

Pussy willow is very soft, and for you who suffer from loss of confidence do to repeated trauma she smiles sweetly and brushes you with her fur, like a soft kitten gently nursing your subdued or broken spirit, gently offering you new found strength and resilience.

The emotional component of chronic pain is a sadness that can be seen in the eyes, like a dog that has been beaten or mistreated, there is a stoic helpless feeling that says “why am I being treated this way? I only came to love”. 

Pussy willow is warm and fuzzy. A gentle “you are good” and “I love you” that smiles sunshine after a long winter and releases all your pain, sorrow and struggle with a simple snuggle and a gentle smile. pussywillow3.jpg

Salix discolor, the American pussy willow is a species of willow native to North America, one of two species commonly called pussy willow. It is a weak-wooded deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 6 m (20 ft) tall, with brown shoots.The flowers are soft, silky, silvery catkins, borne in early spring before the new leaves appear, with the male and female catkins on different plants (dioecious); the male catkins mature yellow at pollen release.

The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences