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Lemon (Blossoms)

(Citrus x limon)

Healing Grief

Indications: Helps the heart release pain and grief through talk and tears.



The sweet, hearty scent of the Lemon's blossoms helps to move energy, such as grief or pain, from the heart charka to the throat, or communication center. 

In order for pain or grief to be healed, it must first be released through some form of expression. To speak your grief through tears and words is to let go of the tension that has held the pain in its place. If the energy between the throat and the heart charka is blocked (such as a lump in the throat) the grief is blocked,
and the healing energy cannot penetrate.

Lemon supports a clearing between these charkas and then activates the many Guardian Spirits that support our life and actions here on this plane.


Grief and pain are a natural part of the human experience.

The Lemon’s fruit is sour and sharp...... Its color is bright..... its skin tough. The Lemon’s blossom is soft, white and pink with a stamen that reaches out from its center.

So must you experience the ups and downs of life and learn to balance the sweet and the sour. Lemon helps you to have a thicker skin to experience more protection 

while still remaining bright. Its yellow fruit symbolizes the joy that this essence can help to restore once your heart is freed and friends, family, and Angels are allowed to hold you in their comfort and joy!


Lemon speaks of contradictions, mystery, and world travel . Fragrant flowers adorn thorny twigs...... fresh flowers often blossom side-by-side with ripe fruit..... known to be a hybrid cultivated from wild species such as the citron and mandarin but with its true origin unknown. The lemon’s original home has been placed by some in either northwestern or central India, and it is thought to have reached China and the Mediterranean by at least 1000 A.D. Christopher Columbus carried its seeds to the Americas. It is known as citronnier in French, citroen in Dutch, limone in Italy, limonene in German, and in most Spanish-speaking areas as limon, limon agrai, limon real, or limon frances. Its name “lemon” derives from Persian “Limu.”

 The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences