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Indications: Aids in transition, helping one release pain & grief and transcend to the next level with strength & courage 

Wildflowers swaying in the summer breeze framed by the ever-present sea and high, rocky cliffs show the gentle side of this area known for its harsh winters with snow covering the ground and ice floes populating the sea. It is here at Gaspé that the ancient Appalachian Mountains, stretching 1500 miles from Northern Alabama across eastern North America, run out of continent and fall into the sea. The Mi’kmaq, the indigenous occupying this land when Europeans first arrived, honor this happening in naming this area ‘Gespeg’ meaning ‘the place where the land ends’. 

At the edge of the world the sea is peaceful, clear to the bottom, fragrant and lapping over butter-smooth rocks. There are lush, dramatic cliffs that rise up from water’s edge and clouds fluttering like pollen-dusted butterflies across the Angel-filled sky. Beaches here are piled high with grey-blue healing stones. The full moon floats between water and sky, as the Great freshwater Lakes of eastern North American release to meld with the salty Atlantic.


 Gaspé – a name meaning simply “where the land ends” –is the indigenous name given to the end of the Quebec peninsula. The Gaspé essence supports the end of a cycle, a phase of life, a relationship. The essence aides with the release of emotional water weight and heavy, bloated feelings that can bog you down when attempting to move on. There is a bitter-sweet feeling at such times of transition, and the essence holds space for your grief, allowing the flood of your heart tears to flow while compassionately encouraging deep release on all levels. Pent up or unexpressed feelings and protective emotional layers that hide anger, fear or despair find solace in the sweet support of this flower essence. The Gaspé essence allows you to grieve all that is lost to you. When you empty out and truly lets go of everything you become peaceful and more integrated with Mother Earth and your true self. This essence is especially helpful for women during the transitions of menopause, when youth and the fertile-woman self wane to create space for the wizened grandmother self.


  The silver, full grandmother moon rises over the place where the land ends.  to travel on, you must change your mode of transportation, your thoughts and perceptions. You can walk or drive to this point, to move on, you are being asked to swim, to fly to move through the limited dimensions of your old self into the unlimited potential of your transcendental self. The wide Atlantic spreads out forever before you on the horizon. The St. Lawrence Seaway empties out the Great Lakes’ freshwater into the vast possibilities of the sea. Alkaline meets salt.


 Fearing the transition, you may hold back emotions. Gaspé essence allows flow. Briny and naked, you feel the release of feelings of pain, of worry, of sad memories, of old life patterns, of unneeded possessions, of lost relationships. Stripping away the past life, you can let go, you can say goodbyeThe essence gracefully helps you to find your peace. and with peace, a clear vision grows within, allowing yourself to feel your Divine power, your connection with your new self, your true nature. Your new life opens to you, step into it and – be blessed! 


The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences