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Fountain of Youth

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Fountain of Youth

Developmental Stagnation

Indications: Helps one to move through emotional or developmental blocks that have interrupted the normal maturation process.

"In which there is a continual spring of running water of such marvelous virtue that the water there of being drunk, perhaps with some diet, maketh old men young again." 

---Hernando de Escalante de Fontaneda  

Fountain of Youth 

In southern Florida a warm mineral spring surfaces in the middle of a small lake pouring over nine million gallons of water from the deep aquifer to the surface daily. Its water has a higher mineral content than any other tested spring's water in the world.  

It is known as the mystical and sought-after "Fountain of Youth". The bathers here enthusiastically offer up their stories of personal healing to add to the many historical tales and legends that surround these powerful waters. It was only about thirteen miles from this spring that Ponce de Leon was ambushed and killed by a band of Native Americans while a guide was leading him to this spring in hopes of curing his impotence and restoring his youth. How ironic that the Native legend of the springs reveals  a similar tale. 

The story tells of an old man who falls in love with a young maiden from another tribe. The old man becomes obsessed with a desire to be handsome, young and virile again to impress the young woman and win her love. He prays to the spring to help him in his quest. He then walks into the water and as he begins to flounder and call out for help. The young woman of his affection hears him and dives into rescue him, only to drown after him as the spring takes them both. Not accepting his true age, the old man was not content to love the young woman as a mentor grandfather. But instead fantasizes and prays to become young and virile to impress the young woman and win her love. In all, his prayers were truly answered. In death his young love joined him, and he was able to find his virile youth again in reincarnation. 

As the tale suggests, it is not possible to go backwards in time but only to come back around in the great cycle. 

The Fountain of Youth essence helps you to move through emotional blocks that have interrupted your normal maturation and development. This may be witnessed in emotional immaturity, difficulty learning or delayed physical growth, such as delayed puberty. Inappropriate clinging to a childlike role or identity far beyond the appropriate growth period can indicate unresolved energetic trauma that causes the identity to stagnate and remain childlike. This can be seen in the child who physically, emotionally or mentally falls behind their peers or clings to an immature, overly dependent, needy childlike personality. 

The Fountain of youth essence can be equally useful to the adult whose development was interrupted by trauma, like an alcoholic parent, or another childhood disturbance that caused a loss of a normal emotional foundation and maturation process.                        

This loss of needed nurturing and proper role models during formative years can continue to haunt you throughout your adult life, making it harder to embrace adult responsibilities or adequately mature emotions and to act as a wisened adult. 

The Fountain of Youth essence is helpful whenever there is a lag in healthy development. The essence helps to build the resonance and strength in the emotional body needed to move through emotional blocks and resistance to growth. Creating a stable feeling of safety in the heart and adaptability in the emotional body, the soul begins to feel the balance and support needed to progress gracefully and fully develop to its perfect human potential. 

The Fountain of Youth flows abundantly, pushing you forth to move with the currents of time to mature your physical, mental, spiritual and emotional forces, integrating wisdom and experience. The waters offer eternal youth in the form of the youthful spirit which embraces change and forward motion with joy, anticipation and openness, always looking forward with positive progressive energy that keeps the heart young and the life energies vital. 

As I spoke to the Devas of the spring, 

I was taken deep under the Earth into an ancient aquatic culture and was told: That the spring was really much deeper than we were able to detect . . . . 

It is connected to a vast underground network of passageways . . . . And that there were only a few places where there is a connection to the surface . . . . 

This was, in fact, one of the deepest . . . . And the energy coming to the surface here is indeed an energy of renewal with deep healing powers.


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copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences