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Thornless Blackberry

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Thornless Blackberry

(Rubus canadensis)

Common names: Canadian blackberry, Smooth Highbush Blackberry

Dormant Talents

Indications: Manifestation... helps one to awaken dormant talents and one's own ability to channel the miraculous.

This plant was planted in my garden about 25 years ago....
For some reason though, the plant never flowered and never bore fruit.

Thornless Blackberry

This plant was planted in my garden about 25 years ago. It grows low to the ground sending out long branches that are almost vine like, smooth shinny and totally thornless. The plant has always been hardy, and it’s branches have grown stout over the years. For some reason though, the plant never flowered and never bore fruit. At one point, maybe 15 years ago, we gave up on it and tried to dig it out, only to find that it had roots to China. It came back the next year stronger and hardier than ever, but still fruitless.

The call came clear this morning that we were to make a flower essence, and when I arrived in the appointed area of my garden I closed my eyes and began my prayer. I felt the presence of a beautiful energy
and was told to open my eyes, as the flowers I was seeking were at my feet.

I looked and smiled as I saw countless large pink blossoms covering the ground, growing from a stout vine. I had never seen these lovely flowers before, and I bent down to examine what to my surprise
was my previously barren Blackberry. This plant continued to blossom for nearly 2 weeks and then produced it’s first crop of blackberries which were large, abundant and sweet!

The Thornless Blackberry essence supports the emergence of powerful talents and abilities in you -long dormant, over-shadowed or forgotten to your conscious mind and personality. It is common during the course of life to meet someone or to be introduced to something new that sparks a passion in you to immerse yourself, thus reawakening a knowledge from another life and sending you forth doing something absolutely new or different from “the plan.” This is really just aligning yourself with the “original plan,” allowing you to now bear the fruit that you were intended to. The Thornless Blackberry essence supports this awakening within you and helps you to bring seemly concealed talents to the surface where they can be expressed in the world to everyone’s benefit.



 The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. Theses products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.


copyright © 2010 by Merri Walters Great Lakes Sacred Essences